Sunday, April 20, 2008

Podcasts and Audio

I really like podcasts and see them equally as valuable as the clips on YouTube etc.

I think they can perform a variety of functions from assisting with online learning to how to tutorials, lectures and book reviews.

I went to Arizona State University Library and then Nancy Keane's BookTalk and listened to some very simple book reviews/summaries.

Podcasts are another avenue to engage the user.

The video below comes from an online bookshop and they have used this as a great marketing tool. I found this site via my delicious account and my network connection with Judy O'Connell. I loved the interview with the author of Zen Ties (Just fabulous)

The website is Expanded Books

1 comment:

oneofthelibrarylot said...

Hi Nattynats,
Been checking out your blog and bookmarks. Lots to look at, so wish I hadn't started so late at night. It's terrific. I'll be back.